Oleg Nekrashevich
''NOV Balanced Russian''.


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This stock index is composed of the first ≈5-10 best (≈ top 5 or top 10) stocks from the “NOV conservative” stock index and the first ≈5-10 best (≈ top 5 or top 10) stocks from the stock index “NOV aggressive”, thereby maintaining a balance of risk and stability in this stock index. The index includes shares of the following companies: Russian; Rosneft Sberbank NOVATEK LUKOIL Gazprom Russneft Rostelecom Rusal AFK Systema Krasnyi Oktyabr Belon Foreign: Apple Microsoft Google Amazon.com NVIDIA Vipshop Transocean Baidu PetroChina Xerox .

  • TickerNOVBR
  • Inception Date11/10/2023
  • WeightingEqual