REIT Data Market

RDM US REITs Retail - Suburban


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Description The goal of the RDM US REITs Retail - Suburban (SUBUY) is to create a basket of REITs whose properties are predominately located in Suburban U.S. Census tracts. Rules 1) Classified as an equity REIT and listed on a major US Exchange 2) % of REIT portfolio located in Suburban tracts must exceed established thresholds 3) Covered within the Thematic Universe 4) Member of NAREIT Retail Index Property data and geospatial analytics are available on Snowflake. Weighting Custom weights based on geospatial analysis derived from the percentage of REIT property portfolios located in Suburban U.S. Census Tracts.

  • TickerSUBUY
  • Inception Date04/01/2024
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