Daly Capital Management Growth Index


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DCMGROW is an index created by Daly Capital Management consisting stocks that Daly Capital Management believes are trading below their fair value. The index will be best compared to high growth indices, and broader market indices, encompassing more than just large cap stocks, we chose Vanguard's Growth ETF (VUG) as our benchmark. Inclusion into this index has no requirements Fair value has been and will be determined using discretion, but heavily weighting price/FCF, price/earnings, dividend yield, and PEG, relative to each equities sector average. The index will, be custom weighted, leaning heavily towards stocks with Daly Capital Management confidently believes trade for less than a fair valuation, thus providing investors a higher average return. The index will be actively monitored after it's launch on 1/21/2025, it's inception date.

  • TickerDCMGROW
  • Inception Date01/20/2025
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